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Hey, please talk to me.

May 2, 2024

This is a temporary blog post. I will delete it eventually.

I just wanted to say hi and thank you to those who read my stuff. I also I wanted to ask a favor.

When you visit my blog, please take a moment and say hello. Phones and tablets have destroyed online conversations. The keyboards stink. So, you can just say, “Hi, Joey!” sometimes if you don’t want to type much. Hearing that I am not alone would be nice. 🙂

WordPress lets users leave anonymous messages, so you do not need to log in or say anything. I review everything that is posted, so you can say, “Please don’t post this, but ….” and talk to me via the blog comments, if you like. You have options!

So, how is my blog doing? Is it helpful to you? Do I write too long? Do I write clearly? I am better at Math/Science than I am at Language/Reading/Writing. I like to tell my stories. I like to read my stories and remember what happened back in my past…. Please give me some feedback here or you can email me at jjjjohanne at yahoo period co m. If I can do better, I would like to.

I have not been as organized lately. I find it hard to get my work hours in. I find it hard to get time to go out in public. I find it hard to get time to write about my outings. I find it VERY hard to get time to edit pictures. I have three outings that I haven’t posted about because of these reasons. I’ll get there eventually. 🙂

I hope you are doing OK.

Your friend,

From → Information

  1. stevem180 permalink

    Hey Joey, just responding to your email. I for one really appreciate your blog and look forward to reading about your outings. As a kindred soul, I’m always most interested in how others react and how that makes you feel. Keep it up!

  2. djwilhoite permalink

    hi Joey

    this is Freedom for All from Skirtcafe. I am the one that encouraged you to blog. Great to chat with you.

  3. Nina Lanyon permalink

    Hi Joey!


    I think you are doing a good job with your blog. I enjoy reading it even though, or perhaps because, we are very different from each other. I too am I cross dresser but of a rather different style and, I think, probably for different reasons.

    In case you feel like reading my blog take a look at today’s entry


    . Nina xx

  4. Lloyd N. permalink

     Well, I have to say, I understand completely. I wonder if anyone is really reading any of this?

     My stupid real name always appears, so I don’t want to say anything… I don’t really have anything to say… does Joey really care to hear from me? and-on-and-on.

     Personally, I enjoy your posts, and you are an inspiration to me. I am more relaxed when I go out because you have given me inspirstion (I’m a CD) and enjoy going to a lounge, having a glass of wine, and people watching.

  5. Marissa in Ohio permalink

    Hello Joey, I read your blog posts each time they are available. I am glad you write about your experiences, because the diversity that different crossdressers present is interesting, and demonstrates the breadth and depth of the crossdressing world. 

    Do you write clearly? Yes, your writing is clear, but it comes across as sort of scientific, or detective reporting…..”Just the facts maam, just the facts…” (Sgt Joe Friday, Dragnet tv snow).

    You often mention your religious inclinations and experiences in churches. I am a lifelong non religious, athiest, person, so your experiences in the churches that you go to is utterly uninteresting to me. The world of religious belief is something that I find completely ridiculous and because of that I have to just overlook your reporting on how your interactions in the (phenomenally stupid) Morman church go. 

    As a lifelong crossdresser( I have been a crossdresser since 1970+-) I am interested in folks who are exploring the world of crossdressing. I find your posts interesting, as they present the experiences that you have while crossdressed (sometimes more fully dressed, sometimes less so) but I will tell you that I think your way of going about having public experiences while some,or more, crossdressed, are, in my view, a bit odd. Wearing no makeup, no wig, and no torso shaping garments means that you are generally presenting as ‘a man in a dress’, which is totally fine if you enjoy that, but the reactions you get from people you encounter will be different than, say, what Kandi, or Stana, get when they are out and about in full ‘en femme’ mode. 

    You are who you are, you do what you do. That is true for all of us. Your blog posts are interesting but I wish that I could steer you to what I know is the truth of the world: there is no god, there is no larger ‘purpose’ to our lives, we have a short time to do whatever we will do, and then it is over, period.   Enjoy every day, be glad for the good that you have, and try to stay sane. The world is so very full of awful stuff. 

    • Thank you!
      To be clear, the church that I have recently visited is a Seventh Day Adventist (SDA). It is different from the Latter Day Saints (LDS), which are often called “Mormons”. All of the Mormons that I have known were rather decent people.

      I need to spend more time with atheists. 🙂 I am trying to step out of my tiny circle and step into circles that I do not spend a lot of time in.

      It is nice to meet you Marissa.

      • Sam permalink

        I like reading about your adventures. I look forward to them.

  6. Hi Joey, always enjoy your posts and travels. I like it when you also add a picture or two within the story to kind of emphasize what happened. I look forward to your posts. Please keep them coming.

    Hugs, Lisa K

  7. rat1618 permalink

    After a couple of false starts, i finally got back to the point of being able to comment. I’ve been reading your blog for several years and have commented a few times. I understand the need for feedback to make posting worthwhile. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your adventures.

  8. Izabeusz permalink

    Take care! It’s a pleasure to read your stories. I admire you for the courage that I have never had before. Regards and I’m waiting for more.

  9. Marissa in Ohio permalink

    Hello Joey,

    Thank you for posting my previous comment, with its somewhat strident remarks about religion. 

    Right, yes, I recall, your experiences were with the SDA. I feel the same way about that group as well. 

    You note that those that you have known were rather decent people. I have no doubt that is true, but my view of people who believe what I consider to be absurd things is that if they are such good folks, why do they believe such things? I have an acquaintance who likes to say “I don’t vote by party, I vote for individuals” to which I reply “If Bob (for example) is such a good guy, why is he a republican?” (I always vote democrat; what repubicans believe is fundamentally different from what democrats believe).

    I am not sure how someone might go about spending more time with athiests, but I can tell you that many of the athiests that I know, have known, across my life, are rational, empathetic, generally intelligent, and skeptical of nonsense of all sorts. If you want to tap into a foundational athiest sensibility, the book “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins is a very strong read. His discussion of natural selection alone is enough to change someone’s world view. 

    It’s a big world out there but as a person forms a conceptual framework, world view, the way any of us filter what the world presents causes us to avoid, or miss, things that might be revelatory. Just think of people that you know who are very, or totally, unaware of the world of crossdressing! 

  10. Greg permalink

    hi Joey!

    stopped by to say hello

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